Gutenberg pressed and the forest got messed
It’s a paper-chase world
Eye’s down!
Hats off to the lady, though
Little Miss Radio
All move to Audio town
Don’t cook me dinner, Ma
I’m going to the cinema
Suddenly the world’s a big screen
Pop corn sellers and ice cream tellers
It’s the greatest goddam thing you ever seen!
From the science underbelly comes Logie Baird’s telly
Let’s all de-camp to home and tune in
Now you can’t make a decision
Without watching television
It’s a water-cooler wizard
You win!
VHS got giddy, though
Hooking me on video
Infra red fast forward and pause
It was whispered on the level that the Beta-max devil
Was knocking hard on radio’s doors
Time-shifting shows at home
Trumps your gramophone
All bow down to VCR
Re-runs of Sorry! and a little bit of Corrie
Tape recorders killed the radio star
Don’t blink!
Change the game
IBM’s got mainframe
Leave all the thinking to machines
Now my head is in a mess
When I’m losing games of chess
To a motherboard of silicon dreams
Suddenly I’m “free” now I have a PC
With my password, Windows and a mouse
And I’m processing words
And hanging with the nerds
There’s a dot-matrix printer in my house
Don’t call the curtain yet
Yanks have got the internet
Everyone’s a multi-media node
Firewalls, Wi-fi, router on stand-by
People talking English in code
I’m getting ever cockier
Tapping on my Nokia
SMS pushing from afar
T9 Prediction ain't foreseen my new addiction
Texting killed the radio star
Bluetooth, gigabyte
HD on satellite
44 inches flat screen
Sat Nav, hubs @ home
GPS on iPhone
RIP CD laser beam
Ethernet, Adwords
WAP, Snake, Angry Birds
Search engine spiders
Tweet, Browse,
Bill Gates
Facebook status updates
3D Avatar men
F5, GoToMeet
Turn it off and turn it on
Nothing kinda seedier than stalking Wikipedia
Cloud computing
Dot com
Google Earth, MP3
Cookies, blogs and 3G
iTunes streaming in my car
Paypal, Kelkoo
Anti virus, Wannadoo
Broadband killed the radio star
If you think it stops here then you haven’t learnt the lesson
From the age of information overkill
You can ban it
You can fight
But you’re chasing beams of light
Now media never ever stands still
17/05/11 GK
It’s a paper-chase world
Eye’s down!
Hats off to the lady, though
Little Miss Radio
All move to Audio town
Don’t cook me dinner, Ma
I’m going to the cinema
Suddenly the world’s a big screen
Pop corn sellers and ice cream tellers
It’s the greatest goddam thing you ever seen!
From the science underbelly comes Logie Baird’s telly
Let’s all de-camp to home and tune in
Now you can’t make a decision
Without watching television
It’s a water-cooler wizard
You win!
VHS got giddy, though
Hooking me on video
Infra red fast forward and pause
It was whispered on the level that the Beta-max devil
Was knocking hard on radio’s doors
Time-shifting shows at home
Trumps your gramophone
All bow down to VCR
Re-runs of Sorry! and a little bit of Corrie
Tape recorders killed the radio star
Don’t blink!
Change the game
IBM’s got mainframe
Leave all the thinking to machines
Now my head is in a mess
When I’m losing games of chess
To a motherboard of silicon dreams
Suddenly I’m “free” now I have a PC
With my password, Windows and a mouse
And I’m processing words
And hanging with the nerds
There’s a dot-matrix printer in my house
Don’t call the curtain yet
Yanks have got the internet
Everyone’s a multi-media node
Firewalls, Wi-fi, router on stand-by
People talking English in code
I’m getting ever cockier
Tapping on my Nokia
SMS pushing from afar
T9 Prediction ain't foreseen my new addiction
Texting killed the radio star
Bluetooth, gigabyte
HD on satellite
44 inches flat screen
Sat Nav, hubs @ home
GPS on iPhone
RIP CD laser beam
Ethernet, Adwords
WAP, Snake, Angry Birds
Search engine spiders
Tweet, Browse,
Bill Gates
Facebook status updates
3D Avatar men
F5, GoToMeet
Turn it off and turn it on
Nothing kinda seedier than stalking Wikipedia
Cloud computing
Dot com
Google Earth, MP3
Cookies, blogs and 3G
iTunes streaming in my car
Paypal, Kelkoo
Anti virus, Wannadoo
Broadband killed the radio star
If you think it stops here then you haven’t learnt the lesson
From the age of information overkill
You can ban it
You can fight
But you’re chasing beams of light
Now media never ever stands still
17/05/11 GK