Thursday, 9 March 2023

Spin Rhetorica; or Grin: or If I Were Called In


If I were called in to construct a belief system, I should make use of birds

A codified catalogue of values and full-grown whole known lurches by invisible churches at intuitive angling in the rivers of life hath no need for shepherds wrangling sheep

So, all references to flocks you can keep

Construction is rife

Animal husbandry needs no wife

Gerrymandering the boundaries of my and all other fairweather constructor’s endeavours will be key

But not to the door of anything you’ll ever unlock, push open and pass over yond threshold to see

For instance, a detailed and constricted double-side printed instruction manual for re-defining the act of praying from being down on your knees to climbing up there with the choirs in the trees

Copse junkies

Mansed in the higher branches 

Swinging around like monkeys

Brother, please! 

Make a wish

Just don’t get me started on the fish

And while the thought-train remains unbroken and by the same token;

If I were called in to construct a new multi-dimensional transport system for love, that we might better project compassion and peace and devotional service across the velodrome of all communities, I would make use of maps

Good old-fashioned Ordnance surveys, bear-baited, torn and heavily annotated by oily Grammar school pupils from seventeenth-century market towns or whenever Gutenburg first got them out en masse to the hallowed gowns of Merrye Olde

You’d have to think like Chaucer to be that bold

And my international love highway would engulf most of the Euro-Asian land mass plus the sexier portions of the Florida Keys, slim seedy haunted hubs of Tokyo, chunks of Rio for the carnival slam, the North Pole for impunity, nay forgetting North Korea for Single-Hearted Unity 

Take a minute, this here I am building is an inter-planetary road so resist the urge to goad

You rogue! 

Hey hushen up because now it occurs

And not too soon

If I were called in to construct a miracle 

I should make use of the lonely moon

That she might instruct me on how better to be present 

High in the eye of my mind, slung low in the sky 

Virginal, soothed 


Pure as the driven

Resting, ready to shine at any given

Every night she sits above the city in my window

And lets go of the past

Moving into the now 

But how?

I'm not one for doting on poets

Wac nerds

And yet

If I were called in to construct a time machine I should make use of words

Love is for the highway and belief systems are for the birds

No need to up sticks from the ‘hood and move way out in the boonies

To be present

The moon is good an’ all

But she has a dark side long and tall and lacks drive, and just reflects everyone else’s light

Dressing up like day, all night


Where to?

Where to begin?

Loss is the hardest thing

I'd make a case for weaving sounds

Worsted warp and shoddy weft in leaps and bounds I sit bereft

Unwoven words: the yarn is left

See Silas Marner's grin


Make rhetoric

I'd make rhetoric

I’d make rhetoric spin

I'd have you see each word as is

Sent to Raveloe

Naked thin

Alas thin words grow high and wide

With Flying Shuttles, they collide

And fall back down to earth as fabric

Worn like an echo on skin


If I

If I were called

Ta dah!

If I were called in


gK 09:03:23

Spin Rhetorica; or Grin: or If I Were Called In

  If I were called in to construct a belief system, I should make use of birds A codified catalogue of values and full-grown whole known lur...

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